This week I had the great privilege of chatting to the Let’s Talk Stories group at Gateshead Libraries Blaydon branch. The group meets once a month to discuss all things book related and there are similar groups at their other branches.
I arrived bright and early, armed with my book (as I hadn’t expected anyone to have read it) and also some Apokeri Bay postcards and bookmarks. I wanted to bring a little thank you to everyone for taking the time to come along and listen to a local author. All the staff were so welcoming and Tara who runs the group was brilliant. As the group started to arrive you could tell there was a lovely camaraderie amongst them. Everyone was soon settled with teas, coffees, and biscuits and after a quick introduction I was up.
The next hour or so flew by (we ran slightly over the hour). Everybody was so friendly and keen to hear about Apokeri Bay and Jackie Watson the writer (I still get a buzz calling myself that!). There were plenty of questions and the chat covered everything from why I started writing, where do my ideas come from to the publishing industry, juggling commitments and does my mood affect what I write. I had such a great time, and it was wonderful when one of the ladies thanked me and said she was off to check my book out from the library. I hope she enjoys it.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – LOCAL LIBRARIES ARE BRILLIANT
I cannot thank Gateshead Libraries enough (and all the other council libraries who have kindly stocked Apokeri Bay) for the support they have shown this author. I don’t know if I’m extremely lucky to live in an area where the libraries offer so much for the local communities. Across the whole of North East England, they not only provide book (and eBook) lending services but run clubs, talks and activity sessions for all ages. I would definitely check out what goes on in your local area.
Local libraries naturally have budgets they must stick to but the more we support and use them, the more excellent work they can continue to do for our communities.